Viv Gee: Age Against the Machine

Comedy (alternative comedy)

Venue Age Restriction: Strictly 18+ after 22:00
Dates, Times and Prices


A trawl through the bemused and bewildered mind of a middle-aged teenager coming to terms with aging, technology and reading glasses. After selling out her front two rows last year, Viv Gee returns with her brand-new stand-up show with a title she used ten years ago when she was too young to know she wasn't that old. Catch her before she's too old to do it again. So You Think You're Funny finalist and BBC New Comer finalist last century. 'Another hit' (Skinny). 'So sharp she could cut herself' (Edinburgh Evening News). ‘Unforgettable' (Scotsman).

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General venue access

  • Accessible entry: Information not supplied
  • Wheelchair access type: Not fully wheelchair accessible

  • Stairs: Information not supplied

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  • Would like to book specific accessibility services, e.g. a hearing loop, audio description headsets, captioning units, seating in relation to the location of the BSL interpreter
  • Requires extra assistance when at a venue
  • Has specific seating requirements
  • Is a wheelchair user
  • Requires a complimentary personal assistant ticket to attend a performance

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Dates, Times and Prices