
Dance, Physical Theatre and Circus (circus, dance)

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    Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
    May not apply to all performances. You'll find more information about accessibile performances and how to book tickets in the accessibility tab below.
  • Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket
  • Policy applies to: Children under 18 months


Rêves is a show about memory and childhood, a meditation on life, death and God, and a powerful evocation of an upcoming world where the scent of flowers haunts the dreams of a man... but it is also a creation that never stops talking about love and hope. And beauty. There are six of them on stage, six boys, shaped by an awareness of the perfect gesture and carried by the desire to be there, alive and strong. They are all Ukrainian, their homeland seems to vibrate underfoot, and they embody the power of a people facing violence.

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General venue access

  • Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
  • Accessible entry: Ramp access from ground level. If not using the ramp there is 2 steps into the venue.
  • Wheelchair access type: Temporary Ramp

  • Stairs: 2 - 5
    Number of stairs is provided as guidance and is not in addition to any wheelchair access type (lift/ramp etc) stated above.

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How and when to make an access booking

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  • Requires extra assistance when at a venue
  • Has specific seating requirements
  • Is a wheelchair user
  • Requires a complimentary personal assistant ticket to attend a performance

Gage Oxley 15 days ago

A show-stopping, jaw-dropping, sensational powerhouse of a production that had me hooked from start to finish, with gut wrenching stories, told through dance and physical movement, of Ukraine. It’s so good I’ve had to break my rating system for this show — ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (6/5 stars)

Tony Davis 16 days ago

Wow, just WOW!

Andrew Forrester 16 days ago

This show is without doubt my pick of the Fringe for 2024, and I have seen a lot of shows this year. It traces a journey from childhood, innocence and promise, to adulthood, heartbreak and violence, but never loses hope. A highly skilled group of five men who, with great skill, managed to turn 60 minutes into something completely magical. You should see it while you can.

Mark Dawson 17 days ago

I think some of the descriptions of this show have sold it short. It is fast paced, energetic, athletic and artistic. Excellent entertainment and a must see for this year's Festival.

Yulia 17 days ago

First it makes you horny, then it brakes your heart

Cora Todd 18 days ago

A work of art! Exceptional physicality and moving themes, just captivating. Myself and other audience members around me were simply wowed. I couldn’t recommend this show enough. Just go see it, you won’t regret it.

Gus MacLeod 19 days ago

A beautiful and moving show from enormously talented young performers. A combination of contemporary dance, physical theatre and acrobatics and a meditation on childhood, aging, masculinity and much more. Beautiful. See it if you can.

DJ W 19 days ago

A wonderful wonderfull show - just believe all the ecstatic professional and audience reviews below and try and catch this befor the run ends. One of the very best I have seen in years of Fringe show attendance.

Kay Slater 19 days ago

Visually stunning, beautifully choreographed and skills of the highest standard. This show deserves to be full, it is absolutely the kind of performance that the fringe was made for.

STEPHEN DAVIS 19 days ago

A truly remarkable show! You will be stunned by the strength, agility and gracefulness of the performers. The best thing I have seen at the Fringe in 2024!

Bill Barrick 20 days ago


I have already been to see Rêves twice, and of the 56 shows that I have seen at this year’s Fringe, this is the absolute best.

The beautiful and moving story of dreams, memories and struggles is told in memorizing and gorgeous physical theatre, movement and amazing feats.

I can’t recommend this enough!

Annie 20 days ago

Mesmerising performance from a professional energetic group of performers. Loved the show which was way too short.

Thank you for bringing this amazing show to sunny Edinburgh please come back next year

matt 20 days ago

Please go see Rêves, you won't regret it.

The performance art is of the highest order, displaying an uncompromising pursuit of perfection. It's the kind of virtuosity that reminds me how much a human is capable of.

This very virtuosity, I imagine, what inspired its theme of "dreams". If we, as individuals, commit ourselves whole-heartedly, can we achieve what we hope for, in spite of the odds? It's not an innovative or refined message. But considering the troupe is Ukrainian and the finale of the show, it is nevertheless a deeply affecting and effective one.

Also, the show eschews heavy-handedness, instead largely letting the performance speak for itself, and I think it's the right approach. There was so much beauty in the performance itself, and in the camraderie between the performers, to leave me speechless at times.

A Fringe highlight for sure, and probably one of the best dance, or dance adjacent, performances I've seen.

Bob McDevitt 21 days ago

This is a beautiful show which mixes incredible physicality with lovely storytelling and some juggling!

Fabian 23 days ago

STUNNING SHOW! what ever you go see, don't miss this one!

Lars Nilsson 26 days ago

These guys made a fantastic show. Incredible how they control their bodies in these marvellous acrobatic acts.
Go and see this performance. It's also a way to show support for Ukraine's struggle for freedom.

Eduardo Vona 26 days ago

Literally the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. Incredible skill, talent, passion and emotion. Every moment is full and my jaw was on the floor. Not to be missed!

T Wade 28 days ago

Beautifully sculpted, impossible to take your eyes off of, undeniably strong. And that's just the performers. The most lay circus person might say "That's a lot of juggling" but this show does have quitw a few balls in the air. The design is beautiful and lulls you into that liminal space between dreaming and awake with theatrical haze reminiscent of clouds (or maybe concrete dust?) and monochromatic production design in stark blacks and white. As much dance as it is cirque the truly devastating element of this show is that the dreams of all of these boys. and so many more, have been turned to smoke. жити Ukraine.

David Cox 28 days ago

To see our 5 star review of this " visually stunning, exhilarating and profoundly moving" show check www.darkchat.co.uk

Paula Rebelo 29 days ago

Marvelous! They are Olympians! What a touching, mesmerizing performance. Full body control. Hearts and souls exposed on stage. Should be sold out every night! What incredible performers.

Tommy BP 32 days ago

It was criminal that the show didn't have a full audience, marketing issue maybe?

The dancers were incredible, so much talent on the stage, so thought-provoking and inspiring.

Each performer bought a new skill, with special shout for the third performer - who defied bodily physics in their movements.

Amazing show, well worth a watch,

Dalia Abrams 32 days ago

I loved this show! Wonderful mix of dance, acrobatics and juggling. Each dancer is so talented.
And the message: everyone has a dream - we don't all get to live it - especially in Ukraine right now.
I left in tears.
Beautiful and so well done! Go see this show and support these amazing artists!!!

Benjamin Grimm 32 days ago

The beginning of this performance felt quite slow (too much running around picking up and putting down juggling balls, far too little actual juggling). But once the contortionist took the stage... it was absolutely breathtaking. Some more directorial tact and subtlety would have benefitted the show as a whole (the repetition of "have you ever had a dream" almost became humorous; the clown number was a very strange choice). But the performers had absolutely gorgeous technique and when they actually performed their skills they were visually stunning (it doesn't hurt that they were, to the man, model-level sexy). Their commitment to and achievement in their art forms in defiance of the war alone made this performance moving.

Tina 32 days ago

Just saw this beautiful show. I am stunned by the artistry and musicality of the performers. They act, dance, juggle and are acrobats of the soul. Go see them!!

Ian 33 days ago


This is unbelievably good. They really want and deserve support because their publicity says there are seven members, but only five could travel outside Ukraine. They're hoping if this is going well the others will be able to join them. Let's help that happen.

Annie 35 days ago

This is the best Fringe show I have seen so far. These men are so talented and the show is beautiful. Highly recommend!!

Keith Abrams 35 days ago

Absolutely brilliant! Highly recommend! The dancing, circus skills, and dramatic message were all superb!

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Dark Chat (5/5 stars) 19 days ago

It is visually stunning, exhilarating and profoundly moving.

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Dark Chat (5/5 stars) 25 days ago

It is visually stunning, exhilarating and profoundly moving

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The Scotsman (5/5 stars) 25 days ago

It’s not unusual for jugglers to also be accomplished acrobats. Equally, physical theatre performers can often be proficient dancers. To find all four qualities in a single performer is rare, but the six talented young men in this powerful show from Ukraine have clearly been training for this moment all their lives.

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Culture Fix (5/5 stars) 28 days ago

This testament to the resilience and spirit of Ukraine, blends breathtaking physicality with poignant storytelling. This unforgettable performances from the skilled cast remind us of the enduring strength of dreams even in the darkest of times.

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Fringe Review 28 days ago

This group from the Ukraine is highly skilled and refined. They perform a blend of acrobatic dance with juggling and balancing skills – and are well received by the appreciative audience.

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UKTW (5/5 stars) 31 days ago

Consummate balance, control and commitment combine to make a glorious celebration.

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Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.