
Theatre (storytelling, comedy)

  • Assembly Roxy - Downstairs
  • 13:45
  • Aug 13-24
  • 1 hour
  • Suitability: 14+ (Guideline)
  • Country: United Kingdom - England
  • Group: Bet'n Lev Theatre
  • Warnings and additional info: References to homophobia and racism.
  • Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket
  • Policy applies to: Children under 18 months
Dates, Times and Prices


Do you mind if we tell you some stories? Remythed takes the myths and legends from the backgrounds of its performers and reshapes, reforms, and retells them. From Sheherazade, to Anansi, by way of Lady Godiva – see our stories in ways you've never seen them before, in a show full of insight, dreams and wisdom that'll leave you joyful, a bit tearful and questioning every story you've ever been told. LGBTQIA+ people have always been here; it's time our collective myths reflected that fact. Remythed delights in a joyful reimagination of what queer history could look like.

Please note that while all media gallery content is provided by verified members of the event, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society does not review or approve this content before it is posted. Reports of inappropriate content or copyright infringement can be directed to [email protected].

General venue access

  • Accessible entry: There are 15 steps en-route to this space.
  • Wheelchair access type: Not fully wheelchair accessible

  • Stairs: 11- 20
    Number of stairs is provided as guidance and is not in addition to any wheelchair access type (lift/ramp etc) stated above.

Each venue can contain several space with different accessibly information. Visit the venue page for full venue accessibility info

How and when to make an access booking

Our access tickets service is available to anyone who:

  • Would like to book specific accessibility services, e.g. a hearing loop, audio description headsets, captioning units, seating in relation to the location of the BSL interpreter
  • Requires extra assistance when at a venue
  • Has specific seating requirements
  • Is a wheelchair user
  • Requires a complimentary personal assistant ticket to attend a performance

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Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

There are no professional reviews for this show.

Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

From late July through to the end of the Fringe, anyone with an user account will be able to post a review for any show in the festival by visiting this area within the show's details page.

Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

Dates, Times and Prices