Kyle Ayers presents: Hard to Say

Comedy (solo show)

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  • Policy applies to: Children under 18 months


US comedian Kyle Ayers (Conan, Comedy Central) tries to make light of having Trigeminal Neuralgia, a rare nerve disorder known as Suicide Disease. Inherently already a funny topic. Featured in the LA Times for both his comedy and the disease, Kyle performs his show about his experience living with the disease, getting misdiagnosed for years, getting brain surgery, the successful brain surgery eventually wearing off and what life looks like when you may have tried everything and nothing works.

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Lindsay Sorrell 15 days ago

I don't find it difficult in the slightest to say what an amazing show "Hard to Say" is, for so many reasons. Kyle Ayers takes a very unfashionable yukky topic to weave his show around; a rarely known but insanely horrible disease called trigeminal neuralgia (face pains to the uninitiated). Kyle has been particularly unfortunate in his own experience of living with TN - firstly, he got his initial "electric shock" sensations in his face while still in his 20's. Not good for a young guy when the usual age of onset is more like 60+ and it generally affects mostly women. Secondly, Kyle had a really bad reaction to the main drugs used to treat TN. His reaction was so bad he passed out on his kitchen floor. Thirdly, Kyle had the major brain op (microvascular decompression, or MVD for short) which is dangled in front of many TN sufferers as the possible answer to their dreams of a pain-free existence. MVD does help a lot of TN sufferers, but not all, as Kyle sadly found out. He did get relief for five wonderful months.. but then this cruel disease started creeping back into his life and trying to take it over.

I realise this isn't sounding much like a great comedy. However, Kyle has turned the tale of his woes into a side-splittingly hilarious account of life with TN. The show really was right up there in the "crying with laughter" stakes with the funniest shows I have ever seen (think Billy Connolly in the 1980s!). I am myself a TN sufferer though thankfully for me I have had no major problems with the prescribed medications, apart from a bit of teenage acne (almost welcome in my 60's!). I still get caught out quite often however, when I have maybe slept for too long without taking a tablet, or have been feeling well so didn't take one, then WHAM! The attacks start, like a fearsome monster living in the side of my face that likes to catch me unawares. I guess this is a similar pattern for many others with TN. Without doubt, Kyle is an enormous inspiration to me and I'm sure other sufferers of TN and a myriad of other disgusting diseases and ailments. He speaks about TN so candidly, also detailing the depression it has caused him. What a brave guy he is. He reminds us that we don't know what burdens those around us may be carrying, and how we should all be a little more tolerant because of this. Thankfully, Kyle has not allowed TN to define him; what defines him is his amazing sense of humour, impeccable timing and the quickest of wits. Seriously, NOBODY should miss an opportunity to see Kyle Ayers if they get the chance.

On a finishing note, a welcome chink of light for TN sufferers everywhere - my own Consultant, an eminent Professor at a top London Hospital, who has written several books and research papers about TN (her passion) pulled me up when I was recently sounding miserable about what the future held. Virtually everything i have ever read about TN says the disease generally gets worse as the years pass. Apparently however, this is no longer the view of many researchers. The expected outcome has been revised as it has been found that for many the disease stays the same, for others the disease lessens, and for some the disease disappears completely. For anyone feeling alone with their TN there are numerous support groups out there, just contact the very helpful people who run (Trigeminal Neuralgia Association) and they will point you in the right direction. (Incidentally I only found out about Kyle's show by reading a copy of the TNA magazine a couple of days before heading to the Edinburgh Fringe. I practically fell off my chair! I booked tickets there and then and wow am I glad I did!

Rebekah Avery 18 days ago

went in with low expectations, and was completely blown away, ive gone to alot of fringe stand ups this year and Kyles was the only one that truely consumed me the whole show, its so well done you will forget your in a cave at the fringe!!! thanks Kyle, your the man.

DAMIEN VOSK 18 days ago

Phenomenally told story concerning difficult subject matter that resulted in non stop laughs. One of my fringe favorites this year!

Sofia May 19 days ago

Incredible solo hour. I've seen a lot of GREAT stand-up hours at the fringe and this may be the very best. Kyle's writing is so tight, and it's punch after punch and then one more sucker punch and you're laughing so hard it hurts. The topic is his crippling brain disease and Kyle masterfully makes his disease seem like FUN, because he makes his journey with it so funny!! I have gone around telling everyone I know to see this show. You would really miss something remarkable if you didn't go. 10/10.

Ken Duffield 19 days ago

The funniest show we saw at fringe - amazing story absolutely hilarious

Becky Granger 19 days ago

This show was sharp and hilarious. I found myself both laughing and caring for Kyle. I had a fantastic time learning about him and a lot about his condition despite the grim reality of it. Kyle never lets the show wallow- we really see him push through with strong punchlines and sincerity. Must see!

Lexee Leach 21 days ago

I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia in 2021 and have never known anyone else who has suffered from it, let alone made me laugh about it! As stated in the show, this is commonly known as “the suicide disease.” Kyle has crafted an absolutely beautiful look into the life of invisible pain that any given person could be going through. The show challenges you to extend kindness to anyone you cross paths with, as you never know the suffering they’ve experienced. Kyle is a storyteller, a teacher, and a friend to the audience throughout the show. He invites you into the most intimate moments of his life and allows you to feel the grief AND the joy. I loved every minute and recommend it to everyone who asks what I have loved at the fringe this year!

Ramiro 23 days ago

This show is still in my mind days after watching it. I think that’s what art should do. It’s funny, no doubt, and it also talks about life and death.

Yola Lu 27 days ago

What did I think of this, some may say it's...HARD TO SAY. Wow, I'm sorry, I'm so embarrassed but I couldn't help it (I hope I'm not the 1st to make this dumb joke). But holy shit what a freakin phenomenal show! I laughed so hard and I learned stuff. I honestly don't know what it's like living with chronic pain, and I didn't know anything about his disease. But his show taught me to be more patient and understanding with people around me (I swear I had empathy before this show). It was so well written, woven with great jokes throughout. You MUST see this show before Fringe is over. Would highly recommend.

Cyrus Miri 27 days ago

Dark and humorous dive into a world of chronic pain and stock photos. At this point, I don't know what's worse to live with. Fantastic show worth seeing even if it is out of your comfort zone or you have no idea like me about the trials of having such a affliction.

Elliot and Meg 28 days ago

For such a potentially sad and serious show, we were amazed at how funny this was! Kyle perfectly balanced the poignant and funny, and we are genuinely amazed at how he could find such a positive story from an unimaginably difficult set of circumstances.

Brandon Anderson (bogdoot) 31 days ago

Be prepared to feel ALL the emotions. Kyle's journey will equip you with everything you need to always look on the bright side of life. Hilarious, whilst simultaneously devastating and hopeful, inspirational. Make the best with the hand you're dealt, even when the cards are unimaginably bleak.

I saw an early iteration of Hard to Say a few months ago, and I am jealous of everyone at Fringe right now who get to see what this show has become. The beauty of this show is that no two performances are the same; you're in for a unique event. A memorable human experience that has and will occupy my thoughts for the foreseeable future.

Mark Speed 32 days ago

I was really impressed by Kyle's ability to find the funny a debilitating condition, and to do so without hitting the pity button. (Indeed, he quite literally armed a member of the audience with the means to stop him from making it too sad - a genius and hilarious touch.) He used his razor-sharp acerbic wit to create a truly compelling and often heartbreaking story. A must-see show.

Alex Petit 32 days ago

Hilarious and tragic, this razor sharp comedy hour is a rollercoaster you don't want to miss out on. If you have a soul you will laugh and you will cry. You will see that humor does come from pain and you'll learn that life is not fair but that doesn't mean you can't still try and make the best of it. I've seen over 200 hours of comedy in my life and this has got to be one of the most touching and unforgettable evenings I've had. Kyle took a curse and made it into a gift. And with that gift he reminds us not to take a pain free single day for granted.

I wish him peace and could not recommend going to laugh at his pain enough!

Cara Gerard 32 days ago

I know that comedy is supposed to be tragedy + time, but Kyle Ayers is still in the deep end of a crappy diagnosis and he’s already the funniest human I know. So we need a new axiom for him. Any time he has a show in a city where I know someone, I buy them as many tickets as they want. I marvel at how much creativity comes out of this man who is constantly in pain, whereas I cease to function if the seam on my sock feels weird (ADHD). Do yourself a favor and go see this guy since I can’t! Tell your friends! Etc!

Rachel Redleaf 32 days ago

The way Kyle handles dark humor should be taught in books. This is the first standup I cried during from laughter AND emotions!

Dan Winikur 32 days ago

Wonderful show! Vulnerable yet still hilarious. Kyle brings his unique comedic outlook to a challenging situation. Reminds us to afford others a bit more grace as we’ve all got something below the surface we’re dealing with. Highly recommend!!!

Sophie 32 days ago

Not only a hilarious hour but a heartfelt one. The best thing that can happen after a show is you leave having been changed in some way, and this show absolutely does that. Cannot recommend enough!

Molly Kittle 32 days ago

You don’t need to appreciate stand up to thoroughly be swept away as Kyle straddles the line between heartfelt realness and spot-on humor. He stays away from tropes of victim or hero and, despite his unique experience, always remains relatable. He shares a beautiful reminder, that we never know what our fellow humans are going through. It’s a delight to see a standup comic who leads with wit and kindness while keeping his edge.
(It's also in a really cool cave.)

Chloe Sykes 32 days ago

Kyle is brilliant! His show made me laugh and made me cry. I felt my heart grow at least three sizes bigger. This show will stick with me. A must see.

Chad Walter 32 days ago

Kyle's show is incredible. He makes it ok to laugh when it feels like nothing should be funny. Check something off your bucket list and go see his show!

Tom 32 days ago

Keeps the heavy light and makes the light stuff meaningful. Kyle is stupidly funny because of and despite his brain. Deffo go see him.

Rebecca Trow 32 days ago

I've been following Kyle's career for a while and he remains the funniest (and kindest) person I know. This show is hilarious, dark, vulnerable, and uplifting. Simply a must-see this Fringe season.

Mike Carrozza 33 days ago

Kyle has found a way to discuss very devastating and difficult topics in a way that will make you laugh, providing the comfort of “it’s okay to laugh, that’s what this is for”. I’ll never look at slide whistles the same way.

The fact that he’s living with something called The Suicide Disease and remains even a little optimistic is uplifting. There’s a resiliency to the show that underscores all the very funny and tight jokes.

Jerry Steinfeld 33 days ago

What's the deal with this show? It's funny, that's what! For further details, please see the show.

Cameron Brown 34 days ago

Delightfully dark and extremely funny. Kyle's wit shines through his tale of pain, optimism and acceptance. What a show. Where has this comic been hiding?

T Wade 36 days ago

Devastatingly funny. Heartbreakingly hilarious. Your face will hurt from laughing, Kyle's face will just hurt. An honest portrayal of pain and living with an invisible disease that you will only cry at because of how hard you're laughing. "Sleepwalk with Marley and Me"

Sam 36 days ago

Kyle's show was the best comedy I'd seen live in the last decade. Raw and heartfelt yet incredibly, stupendously laugh out loud funny, he tackles a subject that no one else can (or would want to be able to) talk about and turns it into something hilarious and memorable. Super unique, super authentic, and just very, very fun.

Vanessa 36 days ago

Kyle masterfully balances humor with heartfelt moments in this show. He has been doing comedy for many years, and this show is really a peak performance. It's not just a series of laughs, it’s an experience that celebrates the beauty of being human and getting through hard times together. A must-see for anyone looking to embrace laughter and introspection in equal measure!

Jason Farris 36 days ago

Brought my brother to this show and we both loved it. He was able to go in with no prior knowledge of what the show would be and that may be the best way to see it. Hilarious, thoughtful and brilliant. Thanks Kyle.

Eric 36 days ago

I laughed. I cried. Is yoda a gollum? Gollumn?

Rocky 36 days ago

Been following Kyle's career for a long time, and Hard to Say shows him at his most vulnerable yet still hilarious. His ability to find humor in the chronic pain he’s experiencing is masterful and just *chef’s kiss*.

Sam T 36 days ago

Saw the first show, absolutely hilarious. SO many jokes, absurd and wild and dark. Also a show that makes you think about life. Very, very funny, would 100% recommend to everyone. 5 stars.

Adam 37 days ago

Kyle’s show is guaranteed to make you laugh while finding a new appreciation for your life, health, and the wellbeing of your loved ones.

Nate Cobb 37 days ago

Kyle Ayers is a very funny man with a very serious brain disease and I know for a fact the flight to Scotland hurt his lil head so please go see his show!

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One4Review (4/5 stars) 15 days ago

Despite the gravity of his subject matter, Ayers’ humour serves as a reminder of resilience and the human spirit’s ability to find laughter even in the darkest of times.

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Neurodiverse Review (5/5 stars) 21 days ago

I think the fact I didn’t hear a single peep, toot, or bloop is testament to Kyle’s ability to cradle his audience in the palm of his hand

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