
Theatre (comedy, cabaret)

  • Summerhall - Cairns Lecture Theatre
  • 16:30
  • Aug 1-11, 13-18, 20-26
  • 55 minutes
  • Suitability: 14+ (Guideline)
  • Country: United Kingdom - England
  • Group: Hannah Walker and Co.
  • Warnings and additional info: Strong language/swearing. Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes; contains gambling play, images, sounds. References to mental health conditions, suicide and sex.
  • Accessibility:
    Audio enhancement system
    Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
    Signed Performance
    May not apply to all performances. You'll find more information about accessibile performances and how to book tickets in the accessibility tab below.
  • Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket
  • Policy applies to: Children under 2 years
Please note, latecomers may not be admitted.
Dates, Times and Prices


Gamble is a glittering, glamorous peek into the spectacular world of online gambling. A bittersweet multimedia show about addiction and its effect on families, friends and communities. There's a girl who used to think gambling was all about big wins at the village monthly bingo. A decade later, the gambling industry is all about online and is bigger than ever! Without realising it, it's made its way into the girl's home, her relationship, her joint account.

Please note that while all media gallery content is provided by verified members of the event, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society does not review or approve this content before it is posted. Reports of inappropriate content or copyright infringement can be directed to [email protected].

General venue access

  • Audio enhancement system
    Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
    Signed Performance
  • Accessible entry: Once in the Courtyard, standing facing the Royal Dick pub take the alleyway to the left. Walk past the left-hand side of the Yellow Tent in front of you and through the Double Doors. Cairns Lecture Theatre is up a flight of stairs. The Access Route requires Duty Manager Assistance from the reception of the main building, consisting of an escort up the main lift, through the galleries, into a platform lift, through the Dissection room and onwards to Cairns. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to use this accessible route.
  • Wheelchair access type: Permanent Ramp, Temporary Ramp, Lift (Other)

  • Stairs: 20+
    Number of stairs is provided as guidance and is not in addition to any wheelchair access type (lift/ramp etc) stated above.

Each venue can contain several space with different accessibly information. Visit the venue page for full venue accessibility info

Signed performances

  • Dates: 3 August, 4 August, 17 August, 18 August, 25 August
  • Interpreter: Amy Cheskin - Integrated into performance
  • Type: BSL
  • Booking options: You can book independently online, or contact our access team to book your tickets and request any specific seating requests in relation to the location of the interpeter.

Captioned performances

  • Dates: 6 August, 16 August
  • Type: Open
  • Booking options: You can book independently online, or contact our access team to book your tickets and request any specific seating locations or if booking a unit is required.

How and when to make an access booking

Our access tickets service is available to anyone who:

  • Would like to book specific accessibility services, e.g. a hearing loop, audio description headsets, captioning units, seating in relation to the location of the BSL interpreter
  • Requires extra assistance when at a venue
  • Has specific seating requirements
  • Is a wheelchair user
  • Requires a complimentary personal assistant ticket to attend a performance

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Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

There are no professional reviews for this show.

Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

From late July through to the end of the Fringe, anyone with an user account will be able to post a review for any show in the festival by visiting this area within the show's details page.

Participants - for further details on our audience and published review policies, including how to add or opt out of reviews, please click here.

Dates, Times and Prices