Dead Mom Play

Theatre (dark comedy, new writing)

  • theSpace @ Niddry St - Upper Theatre (Thrust)
  • 09:40
  • Aug 17
  • 1 hour
  • Suitability: 18+ (Guideline)
  • Country: United Kingdom - England
  • Group: Ben Blais
  • Warnings and additional info: Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes including cancer, suicide & gunshots, Scenes of violence, Strong language/swearing
  • Accessibility:
    Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
    May not apply to all performances. You'll find more information about accessibile performances and how to book tickets in the accessibility tab below.
  • Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket
  • Policy applies to: Children under 18 months


A young writer is forced to face Death, his ego and his dying, critical mother after getting stuck in a play of his own creation. Charlie tackles guilt, denial and a freezer full of lasagnes in this dark comedy.

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General venue access

  • Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
  • Accessible entry: Access to box office via ground level entrance; then up one floor in a standard passenger lift.
  • Wheelchair access type: Building Lift

  • Stairs: Information not supplied

Each venue can contain several space with different accessibly information. Visit the venue page for full venue accessibility info

How and when to make an access booking

Our access tickets service is available to anyone who:

  • Would like to book specific accessibility services, e.g. a hearing loop, audio description headsets, captioning units, seating in relation to the location of the BSL interpreter
  • Requires extra assistance when at a venue
  • Has specific seating requirements
  • Is a wheelchair user
  • Requires a complimentary personal assistant ticket to attend a performance

Mary LaFrance 22 days ago

Fresh writing and excellent acting. Worth getting up early for!

Deborah 23 days ago

Interesting play, lots to absorb and in parts slightly farcical (with a measure of pathos!) We enjoyed it, and the actors were excellent. A good way to fill a morning slot.

Kath A 23 days ago

Brilliant! If you need a reason to get up and out early - this is it! Not often I have laughed and cried simultaneously before 11 in the morning. Wonderfully written and executed by 3 fantastic performers. Just go and see it…

Roger Skehan 24 days ago

The performance of the actors is excellent, combining intricate verbal interplay with energy and pathos. The play is both light-hearted yet serious, appropriate to balance the subject matter and the crux of the play. It's an early start, but the cast thoroughly deserve a larger audience.

Andrew Smart 26 days ago

A multi layered play which needs to be seen. Get up early & go watch! It cleverly deals with loss & grief though humour, not for humour’s sake but as part of the madness of dealing with grief itself. Recommended

Megan Kenny 27 days ago

The only reason to get up and out for 9am when attending Fringe.

‘Dead Mom Play’, written and directed by the Ben Blais, explores themes of grief, loss, acceptance, parental relationships and guilt in the most tasteful and yet heart wrenching manner. There are moments of humor, tear jerking sadness and overall, an appreciation of what it is to be human and experience those around us. To have someone to love or to miss someone is something that we can all relate to and was encapsulated in a way that felt comforting by the talented cast.

Try to not let the early start rob you of this truly grounding and emotional experience that does not disappoint.

Michael Mecek 27 days ago

An honest, brave play. Ranging from silly and absurd to dark and heartbreaking. Blais’ writing tackles the hardest conversations about death, grief and depression, while simultaneously maintaining a tongue-in-cheek tone in the subject matter. The cast was asked to do lots of physical comedy at 9 in the morning in front of a small group of people. More people must see this show. This rag-tag group of misfits deserves a much bigger audience! Loved this play!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Ferdinand Ray 27 days ago

Such a great experience!! This show knows exactly what it is - Ben Blais clearly understands perfectly what’s going through the audience’s heads at every point in the show, and skilfully deconstructs that experience and his place within it in a way that’s rarely done well at Fringe festivals. The humour, tone, and pace are all brilliantly-considered and serve both the focused and the wider narratives of the show, which are anchored by phenomenal performances from all three actors across scenes of hysterical absurdity and genuinely moving reflection. It’s an early one to wake up for, but you won’t regret it if you do!!

Cora 28 days ago

An absolute must-see!! This play is a masterful blend of tragedy and comedy, executed with incredible precision. The script is brilliant, seamlessly weaving clever jokes, direct audience addresses/immersive moments, and physical comedy into the multi-faceted narrative. Outstanding performances. On the edge of my seat from start to finish. Don’t miss it on this early morning treat!

Anthea 28 days ago

Whatever your expectations are going into this play, they will be wrong, as there are surprises around every corner. Very funny but also very touching, it is brought to life by mesmerising performances. Whoever wrote this play should take a bow.

David Hewitt 28 days ago

Beautifully written - heartfelt, relatable and hilariously dynamic - so many layers! Brave and bold, bravo. 5*

A surreal journey of grief that has you laughing in bewilderment one minute, then weeping the next when the characters run out of laughter to mask the pain with.

Brilliant comic timing, great cultural references, clever fourth wall breakages, wonderful performances all round.

Will Pettigrew 28 days ago

This play was absolutely brilliant! A perfect mix of laugh out loud comedy and poignant lamentations on death (and life). The writing was witty and powerful, the acting a treat to watch, and the direction superb. This is the best way I can think of to spend your morning, go set your alarms!

Sophie Rasbash 29 days ago

A brilliant fast-paced play with three excellent performances!

Minkee Kim 29 days ago

This was one the first shows I put on my 'favourites' list, though ironically I've only just seen it this morning on my final day at the Fringe. I'm so glad I did and the hour flew by despite the early start! I loved the literary references, the humour and especially the energetic performances of the cast. Each moment felt well thought through - one of the best shows I've seen at the Fringe for sure. They deserve to be seen, and I feel honoured to have been part of the largest audience for them so far. Go see it!

Claudia Moore 31 days ago

The writing of this play is outstanding, I found myself laughing one minute and then overwhelmingly emotional at the next. It’s a hard hitting play that leans beautifully into how people deal with grief. I wasn’t expecting to walk away from a play called ‘dead mom play’ feeling uplifted and joyous but this play beat any expectation I had. It’s a must see!

Stephen Smith 31 days ago

Well worth an hour of your time. This play made us laugh a lot, and made us cry a little. Beautifully written and acted by a very talented company. Go and see it! 5*

Philip Tucker-Bell 31 days ago

Brilliant play. So well scripted. So much energy in the delivery from everyone involved. I laughed. I cried.
Don't miss this! Well worth the early start.

Tristan Selvage 31 days ago

This is a funny, moving play, brought to life by a great cast. It's so riveting, in fact, that nobody noticed when the fire alarm went off during the performance I was watching - if that's not proof of an engrossing show, I don't know what is! This is the ideal way to spend a morning - seeing a play about Death and lasagne before 10 in the morning is what the Fringe is all about.

Verdun Luck 32 days ago

We were lucky enough to meet some of the cast in a queue (where else?) the day before and decided to get up early to see it. So glad we did. Both writing and the performance are really good and the production really suits the thrust production.

What we didn't find out until afterwards is that this is their first production at the Fringe which is truly amazing. We loved the whole thing. Very professional.


Clare Rodliffe 33 days ago

This was a really moving, thought-provoking play, that made for an intense and intimate performance. I'm off to reread some Mary Oliver....

Sarah Wolf 33 days ago

Equally hilarious and heartbreaking. Brilliantly written. I have not experienced anything like this in my life and don’t know that I will ever again. This is a must see.

Gary Miller 34 days ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Tremendous wordplay and rapid fire comedy with heartfelt moments. Lighthearted but full of depth

Sarah Waghorn 35 days ago

An amazing show!! Such an interesting exploration of grief, with the perfect balance of comedy and also some really heartfelt touching moments. Very thought provoking. An amazingly talented cast and team too, and they’re also so bloomin lovely so what’s not to love! Thoroughly recommend.

Jessica Brigham 35 days ago

These guys are totally brilliant! A really good way to spend an hour of your day. The show was super funny, but also very real and moving! So far one of the best shows we've seen at fringe

Lauren Bell 36 days ago

Completely blown away by this. Stunning writing, performances, direction. Would recommend. We laughed and cried ♥️

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A Young(ish) Perspective (5/5 stars) 27 days ago

An exquisite exploration of grief. This play has it all – do not miss!

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The Real Chrisparkle (4/5 stars) 29 days ago

Well worth getting up early for!

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The Real Chrisparkle (4/5 stars) 29 days ago

Very revealing, very different and hugely entertaining – not what one might expect from the title. Well worth getting up early for!

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Broadway Baby (5/5 stars) 29 days ago

very very funny piece which deserves to be seen by a wide audience

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