
Sexy Circus Sideshow 2.0

United Kingdom - Scotland
Performer / Performance company

Scotland International Burlesque Festival

Looking for candyfloss? This ain't it. If you're after a thrilling, boozy freak show, you've come to the right place! Recharged and reloaded. 2.0 Baby! Exotic acts that connect alternative circus with the dark arts of underground burlesque and cabaret. A carnival cavalcade of saucy showgirls, sexy sideshow stunts, neurotic novelty and vaudeville variety at its very best! New show nightly. Midnight. A vibrant, colourful experience showcasing some of the weirdest and most wonderful talent in Edinburgh this year. 'If this doesn't have you howling, I don't know what will' **** ( Sell-out runs.

Additional Information
Age Suitability
Accessibility and enhanced performances

Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair Accessible Toilets

Babes in arms policy: Babies are not allowed in the venue

Policy applies to: Children under 2 years

May not apply to all performances. Additional information about accessible performances, and space accessibility, can be found on the Dates and Venue tabs on this page. Further accessibility information can also be found on our Accessibility page.

More about this show

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