
La Dolce Vita: A Celebration with Philip Contini

1 hour 10 minutesUnited Kingdom - Scotland
Performer / Performance company

Philip Contini and his Be Happy Band

Experience the beauty of Italian and Neapolitan love songs and the enduring classics of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin in a captivating 30-year musical journey with Philip Contini and his six-piece Be Happy Band!

Additional Information
12+ (Guideline)
Age Suitability
12+ (Guideline)
Accessibility and enhanced performances

Audio Enhancement System

Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket

Policy applies to: Children under 1 year

May not apply to all performances. Additional information about accessible performances, and space accessibility, can be found on the Dates and Venue tabs on this page. Further accessibility information can also be found on our Accessibility page.

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